Rental property management systems are the new age approach of doing real estate business and the industry is making a rapid shift to this evolution. And why not? Rental property management solutions (website and applications) provide an automated platform where users can make an ideal land deal seamlessly. From renting, buying to selling a property (house, apartment, flat, shop or office) without any interference from brokers or agents. Using these platforms, one can get direct access to genuine landowners and can make faster and cost-effective land deals. In this digital era, property rental management solutions are the need of the hour so develop one for your real estate business.
Android | iOS | » Cake PHP | » React Native | » MySQL | » React.JS | » Flutter |
Business Analyst (2) | Project Manager (1) | Backend Developers (1) | Frontend Developers (2) Designers (2) QA Testers (2)
Of unstoppable work
Flat, Apartment, House, Rent, Buy & Sell
Project Completion
One of the major difficulties that came across with the development of a rental property management system is maintaining a top-notch performance in the presence of huge amounts of data. Since such sorts of real estate software solutions consist of a whole lot of data associated with the landowners, buyers, properties, rates, locations, status, client details, etc. and performing several operations on such a variety of data at a time can cause the slow or laggy performance of the system.
Another biggest challenge with the rental property management system is encouraging user engagement and retention via pushing suitable recommendations considering user requirements.
⇒ For better management of data and to keep the system’s performance in check, our expert developers focus on creating a well-researched database containing all the parameters that can be a part of a user’s search query. Also, users are restricted from making unusual search queries through distinct validations. Geofencing APIs are used for location-based searches which enable faster searching and no laggy performance. And most vital, all the data modification rights are reserved to the admin that aids in proper data management.
⇒ Our talented, experienced developers overcome the challenge of availing users with best-suited recommendations via maintaining a NoSQL database that saves users’ previous searches and pushes recommendations accordingly thanks to a well-developed ML algorithm.
→ User Onboarding (Sign-up)
To let the user use the app by signing up via social media or phone verification, or email authentication.
→ Property Profiles
Property profiles cover a huge amount of data of the property, such as description, neighborhood information, rich media, cost details, photos, videos, value statements, owner information, and so on.
→ Property Cost Calculator
This calculator feature allows users to get the final estimate of land based on different parameters such as primary payment range, loan interest amount, taxes, and loan compensation schedule, and many more.
→ Map View
With the use of the map view feature, the user can easily get the complete information of a listing’s surroundings like neighbours and other important things.
→ In-app Call and Chat
To let the users contact the landowner directly within the app.
→ Push Notifications
With the help of push notifications, the app reminds users about the latest updates, such as price variations or current listings, and promotes active users to use the app.
→ ChatBot
With the online chatbot feature, the user can get on-demand solutions to their problems without any delay.
→ User Profile (User, Sellers & Agents)
Through this feature, users of the app should be capable of building their profiles so that they can do different activities.
→ Listings and Database
To show the list of available properties with some necessary information in the listing.
→ Filters and Categories
To provide ease in the searching process, we add a category and listing feature so that users can quickly discover properties that satisfy their needs.
→ Favorites (Shortlistings)
This feature allows users to save their favorite listings in their personal profiles.
→ Calendar
This feature helps agents and buyers to save their appointment dates within the app.
→ Feedback and Ratings
This feature allows past clients to drop feedback for the landowner and users to give neighborhood ratings according to their experience.